ILX update for June 1

I think I might need to red flag the fact that is where to go for more information. So, it is. Go there.

This said, Stet has posted today with this:

I still need to get more details on the sponsorship situation, but we’re definitely OK until the end of June. While we’re down some updated code and database changes are going in (and the offsite backups are being brought up to date), so when that’s finished we’ll be back. If everything goes smoothly, it’ll be days, not weeks.

We’ll hopefully be back by the time I know more about hosting, but if not I’ll post more here. Thanks to everyone who emailed so far.

And, at present at least, the site is back, though this may change for updates as Stet notes.

One Response to “ILX update for June 1”

  1. StanM Says:

    (not trying to take over here, just helping out) – we just collected $1600 in just over an hour for a whole year of hosting. Long thread about what to do (ads, subscriptions) next year, but for now, we’re safe again.

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