How to close ranks, GOP/social conservative style

Not really worth a full analysis, just something amusing re: that John Magee character who endorsed one Senator McCain a while back:

In his letter to the Catholic League today, Hagee said he now understands that other terms he used to describe the church – “the great whore” and the “apostate church” – are “rhetorical devices long employed in anti-Catholic literature.” He said he had gained a better understanding in recent weeks of the Catholic Church’s relationship to the Jewish faith. Hagee wrote of his “profound respect for the Catholic people” in the letter and said he hoped to advance “greater unity among Catholics and Evangelicals.”

The Catholic League said in a statement that it accepted the apology.

“Pastor John Hagee has demonstrated an improved understanding of the Catholic Church and its history,” Catholic League President Bill Donohue said in a statement. “The tone of Hagee’s letter is sincere. He wants reconciliation and he has achieved it. . . . Whatever problems we had before are now history. This case is closed.”

I feel the sincerity from here.