Thoughts on attending the anti-Prop 8 protest in Costa Mesa today

I believe I’d already been clear on the point:

…as I tried to note in my comment on women’s suffrage, we have been down this road before, where something seemingly inconceivable became standard. Legalizing gay marriage improves the general lot by further extending the principle of ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ to all — as the complexity of society is more and more recognized, then that means that extension must be further applied to the full.

No on 8

I believe in the essential truth originally posted here:

“We did not want to go to Massachusetts or Canada or Spain to get married . . . because we wanted to be legal in our home state,” said Jean, who has no worries about the high rate of divorce in the United States.

“Shouldn’t I have the right to get married and screw it up, just like straight people?”

No on 8

I believe there is something crucial in this statement I made a while back:

..if there is one constant I have noticed among the anti(-gay marraige) campaigners, it’s that the very idea of same-sex love and marriage, that there are in fact people, fellow citizens, involved, doesn’t register with them, that it remains strictly abstract, or rather they aim to keep it as abstract as possible, which I find very telling

No on 8

I believe that the sight of four corners of a busy intersection full of people from all walks of life, old and young, gay and straight, gathered in protest but never giving into pointless anger, is encouraging beyond words.

No on 8

I believe the fact that the initial police presence quietly dialed down over time, as the vast majority of passing cars honked in support while the sole moment of protest was a near incoherent shout from one passing vehicle, is not only a striking thing in general but a profoundly deep thing for Orange County in general, given the huge amount of cars passing by at any one time.

No on 8

I believe that the fact that the organization of everything for this particular protest, not even the only one today in Orange County, started on Facebook by two friends but never kept too controlling, that encouraged people to bring what resources they had (and they did — water, food, signs and more) and to bring their own humor to bear as well, was crucial.

Don't tell your stylist...

I believe that the fine folks starting up a new 527 action group, Straight Against H8, are the type of folks who have their heads screwed on right, which is why I’d encourage you to go to either this site or this e-mail address:

Straight Against H8

I believe in what I said earlier, as a sign clearly showed today:

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

And that’s what I believe.

ADDENDUM — Andrew Sullivan‘s collected photos and thoughts on many protests worldwide today. Along with my own photos, I sent an e-mail, quoting a part of it here:

…the language from Yes on 8 supporters out here, ever since Election Day but even more so now, is not that of the triumphant victor. It’s bewilderment, denial, anger, confusion. The amount of “I’m not a bigot!” statements from people who doth protest too much is telling. One gets a clear sense that they find themselves on the defensive, the initiative ripped from their hands. They’re hunkering down, hiding, finding themselves ostracized — deservedly so. I don’t think they realized how much they’ve done yet by winning the battle to lose the war but they’re sensing it, and are already on the run.

I was downbeat on Election Day despite Obama’s victory due to the passing of 8. Now I think that while it clearly should not have passed, making lemons into lemonade has rarely seemed so evident.

ADDENDUM 2: Tara, one of the coorganizers of this protest, sent out a note to all attendees and encouraged sharing it, so I will do so here:

Hello friends,

I couldn’t let another day pass without wholeheartedly thanking everyone for coming out to South Coast Plaza, and for spreading the word. We had an amazing turnout yesterday – at least 400 at our largest – which meant that there might have been several hundred more if you counted everyone from throughout the day. Chelsea and I were extremely pleased with the location, and hope everyone was pleased as well. I loved to see the diversity of people passing by. And I loved to see that we were still going strong after nightfall!!! I think we hit a big, expansive part of Orange County!

Thank you to everyone who helped bring extra water, ice, food, sunblock, etc. Thank you to everyone who hosted poster-making parties with their friends, and who helped notify the press. Thank you to everyone who took the high road no matter what was being said to them, and who kept our protest safe by being respectful of traffic regulations and the needs of our handicapable peers.

Thank you to everyone who came later in the day, undoubtedly exhausted from other protests. Thank you to everyone who represented O.C.’s huge Hispanic and Asian populations, helping other Hispanics and Asians to see the magnitude of hurt that Prop 8 caused. Thank you for braving the ridiculous heat, wind, congestion, and for the inspiring positivity you brought to this cause. To those who brought their families and children – thank you for challenging peoples’ notions about what “family values” should be. We have family values, too. And yesterday, it felt like WE were family.

Special thanks to Max, Harvey, Joe, Ned, Tamara, and Cindy & Lindy (?). SPECIAL SPECIAL thanks to my little sister who stumbled upon our protest while shopping – and who, in spite of her temptations, did not get into a ghetto smackdown with the religious guy walking around.


Tara Political Blogger Alliance

4 Responses to “Thoughts on attending the anti-Prop 8 protest in Costa Mesa today”

  1. johnbisceglia Says:

    The U.S. government crossed a VERY serious line with PROP 8.

    This “proposition” threatened children’s sense of safety and belongingness in California. Children’s safety.

    Regardless of THIS particular fight, there are way too many fights on way too many fronts for us to conquer piecemeal. The Time is Now – DRAW A NEW LINE in the sand and demand from President Obama and our representatives FULL EQUALITY.

    Equality Is Simple When You Simply Include Everybody.

    What? Not detailed enough for the lawyers?

    OK, we can list repealing DOMA, repealing DADT, include transgender in the ENDA Bill, allow adoption of abandoned children, equality in immigration issues, recognize our hate crimes as such, equal family/children rights……….whew! See what I mean?

    We are EQUAL SOULS in HUMAN BODIES. Could we please STOP discriminating due to the genitalia attached? Plumbing will determine each civil right?! Any separation from the pack is ultimately due to gender (and/or gender roles & stereotyping), and that is SEXISM. I cannot marry Bob because I am the “wrong” gender; if I were a woman I could marry Bob. SEXISM.

    And I cannot stress ENOUGH how my own suffering from Marriage Inequality is NOT the reason for wanting or needing equality. I am not something to focus on. But my story, and the stories of countless other Americans desperately need to be addressed in this civil rights struggle. Marriage laws were put in place many years ago in order to PROTECT individuals and their FAMILIES; if they were NOT necessary they would not exist (for heterosexuals). When these laws are NOT in place for ALL OF US, horrible, horrible suffering occurs. My WEBSITE has many examples.

    So Americans want to continue denying us what they have already deemed as essential. And many people want us to WAIT…2….5……10…….20……..30 YEARS, depending on the “civil right”, for what WAS and IS our birthright.

    I personally have a HUGE problem with that. I cannot wait. I will not wait.

    Will you join me on Wednesday, April 15th, 2009, and help me inform the government that WE are eager to be included in the federal tax base as soon as THEY include us in society’s laws? My 5-year-old students could understand this concept: EQUAL = EQUAL

    As Americans can’t we agree that there are MANY other important issues to address (like the Economy, Education, Health Care, Poverty & Homelessness, Iraq/Afghanistan…all of these are related), and solving THOSE problems is more urgent than having “Equality Issues” TIE UP THE COURTS for another 30+ years? We will NOT go away.

    You keep procreating; we keep popping out. Sorry.

    Our representatives have spent years inventing 4-letter words (DOMA, DADT) to restrict us, deny us, demoralize us, and harm our beloved families and children. Enough is enough.


    The National Equality Tax Protest
    – Wednesday, April 15th, 2009 –

  2. Tara Bui Says:

    “You keep procreating; we keep popping out.”

    I love it.

  3. Chelsea Thompson Says:

    Thanks so much for your support!

  4. Eve Says:

    So… I totally support the cause and think what is being done is great, and think that the passing of prop 8 is totally fucked.


    Shouldn’t all of this protesting and organizing and outreach been done *before* the elections…

    Just a thought.

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